Hello everyone!
I hope you all are doing well because we have a super fun topic for today’s post! 5 Tips for Beginning Writers! Buckle up because y’all are going to learn a ton!
(Feel free to share this with friends and family who are beginning to write or are interested in starting to write.)
Tip #1: Start with Shorter Stories or FanFiction
Yes. Start with something short. When I first started writing, I had no context for length and words. I thought I could easily write the next biggest book. (newsflash…. I was wrong).
Starting with a simple project, such as a flash fiction piece, or a short story, will make writing larger projects easier. Why? Because if you start with a shorter project, you are wayyyyy more likely to finish it than a 60,000 word novel. Once you know you can finish a project you can slowly work up to the lengths you want to achieve.
Why should you write fanfiction?
Because all you basically have to work on is plot and writing style. For me, and many other authors, plotting is hard. So if you can learn how to write plots well, without worrying about characters or world-building, it’ll make writing your own original works easier.
Unfortunately, you can’t publish fanfiction, unless it is on a site specially for that purpose. Sometimes that draws people away from fanfiction because it may seem like a waste of time, but it isn’t! Keep in mind you won’t publish everything you write and fanfiction will help with writing style and other crucial parts of writing a novel.
The best way to learn to write well is to study your favorite authors. Read as much as you possibly can, while still keeping with your other commitments of course.
How you can study your favorite authors:
Reread their work
How would you describe their style of writing?
Find your top three favorite scenes of their books(s) and describe how you think the author managed to capture the feel and emotion of the scene.
Tip #3: Don’t stop learning
You will always have room for improvement. Every writer does. Continuously learn about the writing craft.
Here are some resources that I find trustworthy:
The Young Writers Workshop. I will always recommend this community, because it is where I have met some of my best writing friends and has helped improved my writing in so ways. https://theyoungwriter.com
The Young Writers Blog. This blog is hosted by YWW. https://theyoungwriter.com/blog/.
Abbie Emmons YoutTube videos. She has all sorts of content, so I am always learning a lot from her. https://www.youtube.com/c/AbbieEmmons
Go Teen Writers. This site is run by YA authors. They have all sorts of content and encouragement to keep you learning! https://goteenwriters.com
Tip #4: Get feedback/ join a community
Getting feedback is one of the best ways to grow and learn as a writer. I wish I had shown some people my writing when I was first starting. Maybe it would’ve helped me stay more consistent over the years.
When I am showing someone my work, I always try to do my best to make sure it is someone I trust. Typically, that is either my closest friends, family, and other writers.
Why should I join a community or group?
Because of these three reasons:
You might find someone who can give you feedback!
You can connect and get to know other writers. It is sooo encouraging having friends who are trying to accomplish the same or similar goals as you!
It is one of the best ways to learn about writing.
So what communities/forums can I join?
YWW (Young Writer’s Workshop). While it is an investment, I absolutely adore YWW. There are amazing lessons, instructors, and resources in this community. I have met so many amazing people on YWW.
Story Embers
Kingdom Pen.
(I am not on the last two forums, but I have heard great things from them! Let me know below if they are helpful for you guys, if you are apart of them!)
Tip #5: Don’t give up and have fun!
The best part of just starting writing is simply enjoying it. Don’t get caught up in the stress of publishing or being the best. It will take a long time for you to get there, as did it for many other successful authors.
Please don’t give up because it feels like you may never reach our goals of being the next J.K. Rowling. Honestly, you probably won’t. And that is okay.
Remember to set realistic and healthy goals. Don’t give up and have fun.
Well, that's it! I hope you enjoyed and it helped you guys out some. How long have you guys been writing? let me know below!
Have a wonderful day and God bless!
