Wow! This year has flown by. It has been crazy, full of twists and turns, and lots of fun memories. Though, I am super excited to dive into this new year and make progress on lots of things.
Today, I am going to list some of my goals for this year and give you guys a couple tips on how to make your own. This year I really am focusing on setting and accomplishing goals, so writing them all out is super helpful for me.
Let's get into it! Here are just a few of my goals for 2022:
~ Since I recently finished the first draft of my wip, Sunshine, I am going to work on editing/rewriting it. I need to practice editing more and I am excited to improve this story.
~Write the first draft of a new story idea I have. (Spoiler: it has to do with ghosts, graveyards, and travel!) I am currently outlining and planning this story. Hopefully, by the end of the month, I will be able to start writing!
~ Outline and attend some form of NaNoWriMo. I might do my own this sumer since I tend to be busy in November, but I do want to do some sort of NaNo this year, even if it's by myself XP
~Figure out my start date for the Author Conservatory
~Read 50 books (1 done lol)
~ Grow my platform & start an email list!
Of course, I have more goals, but here are some of my main writing goals for the year!
4 Tips For Making & Reaching Your Goals
~ Make measurable goals. Don't make unrealistic, unreachable goals. You will just disappoint yourself if you are unable to get there. Instead, make smaller measurable goals, with small steps to get to the next place you want to be.
~ Write them down. Whether it is on a simple sticky note or a well organized document, I find it helps me when I write them down. I am more likely to compete them, especially with the motivation off seeing it crossed off on my long list!
~ Celebrate the small, little steps with others and with rewards Finish an outline? Have a piece of candy. Finish the first draft? Get some ice cream. Reward yourself. It is amazing to really feel those accomplishments when you celebrate with others.
~ On the days you are struggling to accomplish your goals, ask for strength and guidance from God. He is always willing to listen when you are in need of strength. <3
That is it for the day. What are your goals for the new year? Comment below!
Have a great day! <3

Yeah Mackenzie!! You got this! 😄 I still need to sit down and make some concrete goals, now you've inspired me! Thanks for the tips and reminders! :)
Nice post!